​Sept 2024​​​​​​​
I'm delighted to share the news that I was elected a member of The Society of Wood Engravers. It's a real honour to be amongst such a talented group of artists.
SAVE THE DATE! After the success of our inaugural Festival of Printmaking we'll be returning to Stirling University next year, 15-17 August 2025. Head to Printmakers of Scotland website to find out more and sign up for updates.
Current exhibitions:
From February 2024 - Society of Wood Engravers 86th Annual exhibition. Opening at the Bankside Gallery, London and then touring around the UK.
I'm very excited to be featured on 'Handprinted' blog - head to their website for many interesting articles about contemporary British printmakers, as well as lots of practical advice about every aspect of printmaking. And here is a link to my interview: https://www.handprinted.co.uk/ramblings/meet-the-maker-masha-tiplady
Arpil 2021
Absolutely delighted and honoured that the amazing "Pressing Matters" magazine has published an article about me in their latest issue N15.